Antenna accessories for the hamshack. Part 6. (1) Antenna noise bridge. (2) Grid-dip oscillator. CQ. THE RADIO AMATEUR'S JOURNAL Mar 1983 (v.39#3) pg. 72
Schematic for an early version of a grid dip meter which appeared in 1928. It covers the frequency range from 200 to 550 meters. CQ. THE RADIO AMATEUR'S JOURNAL Oct 1983 (v.39#10) pg. 104
Build the "Little Dipper", a low-cost dip or peak meter. The galvanometer-type indicator has been eliminated and replaced with an LED driven by a Darlington amplifier. Plug-in coils are made from 35mm film canisters. CQ. THE RADIO AMATEUR'S JOURNAL Jan 1987 (v.43#1) pg. 36
Gate-dip meter (a MOSFET version of a grid-dip meter). Use to (1) check the resonate frequency of tuned circuits and antennas, (2) as an RF-generator, or (3) as an absorption wavemeter. ELECTRONICS HOBBYISTS HANDBOOK Spring 1995 pg. 46
How to use a grid dip oscillator. ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Sep 1963 (v.6#5) pg. 38
CB grid dip meter. ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED May 1964 (v.7#3) pg. 82
All-transistor modulated dipper. ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Nov 1964 (v.7#6) pg. 101
Build a gate dip oscillator. A solid-atate version of the grid dip oscillator. Powered by a 9-volt battery. Covers a range of 3 to 60 megacycles. ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED May 1967 (v.10#3) pg. 31
Grid-dip oscillator for the proposed Class E citizens band (220 mc). ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Sep 1972 (v.15#5) pg. 76
VHF grid dip meter. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jan 1964 (v.20#1) pg. 59
Circuit for a modulator for a grid dip oscillator. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] May 1965 (v.22#5) pg. 28
Emitter dipper (EDO) does all the things a grid dip oscillator (GDO) does buy is battery powered (9-volt). Est. cost: $15. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Dec 1966 (v.25#6) pg. 47
VHF-UHF "drain dip" oscillator covers a continuous frequency range of 140 to 540 MHz. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Oct 1970 (v.33#4) pg. 69
Using an RF dip meter (dipper, grid-dip meter) to find the resonate frequency of antennas, tuned circuits, and other RF devices or circuits. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jan 1991 (v.8#1) pg. 88
Build a gate-dip meter (a MOSFET version of the grid-dip meter). Use it to check resonant frequency of tuned circuits and antennas, as an RF-generator, or an absorption wavemeter. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Nov 1994 (v.11#11) pg. 37
Tips on measuring capacitance and inductance using a grid dip meter. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jul 1984 (v.55#7) pg. 72