INDEX NAME: Marriage and death notices in newspapers published in Wilmington NC 1797-1842 and Marriage contracts of New Hanover County citizens 1728-1855. |
- CAPE FEAR RECORDER Wilmington NC 1829-1833
- COMMERCIAL Wilmington NC ?
- PEOPLES PRESS Wilmington NC 1835-1839
- WILMINGTON ADVERTISER Wilmington NC 1835-1839
- WILMINGTON CHRONICLE Wilmington NC 1840-1842
- WILMINGTON GAZETTE Wilmington NC 1797-1799
- WILMINGTON GAZETTE Wilmington NC 1803-1811
COMPILER: Ida Brooks Kellam |
NEW HANOVER COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY 409 Market St. Wilmington NC 28401 Telephone: (919) 763-3303
AVAILABILITY: One copy of this book form index is available for public use in the New Hanover County Public Library. A second copy is available in the North Carolina Department of Archives and History (Raleigh NC). |
SCOPE OF INDEX: Marriages and deaths for very selective years only. Not a comprehensive index. |
FORMAT OF INDEX: A book form index mimeographed on 8½x11 inch pages. The index is divided into two sections. One section is a listing in alphabetical order of the marriages (or deaths) which were listed in a single newspaper for a given time period. These entries consist of the name of the groom (or bride), the name of their spouse, an abbreviation of the name of the paper, and the day, month, and year that the wedding announcement (or death announcement) appeared in the newspaper. The second section is an index by last name and first name to the first section. This index guides the user to the page number in the first section where that person's name appeared. |
Walter R. Griffin & Jay L. Rasmussen. "Comprehensive guide to the location of published and unpublished newspaper indexes in North Carolina repositories." North Carolina Libraries, v.32, p.11, Fall 1974.
(Click this link to view the original report, including any accompanying illustration) |