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Lathrop Report On Newspaper Indexes
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This report is extracted from the 1000 Section (Confirmed Newspaper Indexes) of the 1979-1980 Edition of LATHROP REPORT ON NEWSPAPER INDEXES: An illustrated guide to published and unpublished newspaper indexes in the United States and Canada.   Either a compiler, publisher or repository had confirmed the existance of this index and supplied information for the report. See the INTRODUCTION for the methodology used in compiling the LATHROP REPORT.

REPORT NO:  1223A Previous Report (1222A)  |  Next Report (1224A)
INDEX NAME:  Stockton Newspaper Index
  • DEMOCRAT Stockton CA 1885(Dec 24)-1886(Mar 23)
  • EXPRESS Stockton CA 1888(Sep 13)-1889(Mar 1)
  • GAZETTE (DAILY) Stockton CA 1868(Aug 19)-1869(Aug 18)
  • HERALD (DAILY EVENING) Stockton CA 1870(Jun 15)-1875;1876(Jul)-1885(Apr 2)
  • INDEPENDENT Stockton CA 1861(Aug 1)-1940(May 18)
  • JOURNAL Stockton CA 1850(Aug 24)-1852
  • MAIL (DAILY) Stockton CA 1880(Feb 10)-1915(Jul 3)
  • MAIL (WEEKLY) Stockton CA 1885(Aug 1)-1915(Jul 3)
  • RECORD (DAILY EVENING) Stockton CA 1895(Apr 8)-Current
  • REPUBLICAN (DAILY) San Joaquin CA 1851(May 14)-1862(Dec 13)
  • REPUBLICAN (WEEKLY) San Joaquin CA 1855(Jan 6)-1856(Nov 15)
  • REPUBLICAN (DAILY) Stockton CA 1891(Jan 27)-1893(Feb 8)
  • TIMES Stockton CA 1850(Mar 16)-1851(Apr 27)
605 N. El Dorado St
Stockton CA 95202
Telephone: (209) 944-8230
AVAILABILITY:  Only one copy of this card file index exists. It must be used in the Stockton & San Joaquin County Public Library.
SCOPE OF INDEX:  The index includes items of local interest covering Stockton and San Joaquin County. The Mother Lode counties will be indexed when related to San Joaquin County. World, national and state items will be covered when related to San Joaquin County and Stockton (eg: how county and city voted in state and national elections). Subjects emphasized by the index include the following: Accidents (major); Agriculture; Air pollution; Architecture (Domestic); Building projects; Business; Celebrations; Companies; Crime; Dams; Economic problems; Factories; Fires; Floods; Government (city & county); Landmarks; Library; Murder; Obituaries; Personalities; Photographs; Politics; Port of Stockton; Recreation; Schools (SUSD, Delta, UOP, Stockton College); Sports; Taxation; Theater; University of the Pacific; Water; Weather; and Windmills.
FORMAT OF INDEX:  A 3x5 card file index arranged in alphabetical order by subject. May be one or more entries per card. Entries consist of the headline followed by the citation. The citation includes a code for the newspaper, the month, day, year, section, page, and column. Accompanying photos and illustrations are noted.
1. Herbert O. Brayer. "Preliminary guide to indexed newspapers in the United States, 1850-1900". Mississippi Valley Historical Review, v.33, #2, Sept. 2, 1946.
2. T. Gwinup et al. "Survey of local newspapers in California". California Librarian, v.36, p.4-45, January 1975.
    (Click this link to view the original report, including any accompanying illustration)