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Lathrop Report On Newspaper Indexes
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This report is extracted from the 1000 Section (Confirmed Newspaper Indexes) of the 1979-1980 Edition of LATHROP REPORT ON NEWSPAPER INDEXES: An illustrated guide to published and unpublished newspaper indexes in the United States and Canada.   Either a compiler, publisher or repository had confirmed the existance of this index and supplied information for the report. See the INTRODUCTION for the methodology used in compiling the LATHROP REPORT.

REPORT NO:  1272A Previous Report (1271A)  |  Next Report (1273A)
INDEX NAME:  Biblical Recorder Index
  • BIBLICAL RECORDER Raleigh NC 1834-1846;1968-1971;1974-Current
Z. Smith Reynolds Library
Baptist Historical Collection, Room 207
PO Box 7777, Reynolds Station
Winston-Salem NC 27109
Telephone: (919) 761-5472
AVAILABILITY:  A published index. Standing orders are accepted for future editions. Copies of all prior indexes are still available. Write for prices. The index is available for public use at Reynolds Library, Wake Forest University.
SCOPE OF INDEX:  Since 1974, this index has been a part of the Baptist Information Retrieval System (BIRS), a computerized system capable of processing, storing, and retrieving information from all types of media. Using the BIRS Thesaurus for Baptist Indexing, both the current year and two to three volumes of older newspapers are being indexed each year. The indexes for the early years (1834-1846) and the indexes since 1974 provide access to every name, institution, and general subject that was reported in the newspaper. The indexes for 1968-1971 are not as fully subject indexed. Information regarding churches, ministers, and Baptists predominate.
FORMAT OF INDEX:  A book form index consisting of computer printouts xerographically reduced to 8½x11 inch sheets. The index is arranged in a single alphabetical order. Churches are listed under the heading NORTH CAROLINA CHURCHES and associations under NORTH CAROLINA ASSOCIATIONS. Very few entries contain any descriptive information beyond the subject heading. The citation consists of the page, column, month, day, and year.
SIZE OF INDEX:  There are 7000 to 8000 entries per annual volume. An annual index ranges from 150 to 230 pages.
Walter R. Griffin & Jay L. Rasmussen. "Comprehensive guide to the location of published and unpublished newspaper indexes in North Carolina repositories." North Carolina Libraries, v.32, p.11, Fall 1974.
    (Click this link to view the original report, including any accompanying illustration)