Two-sided easel holds standard pads of 24"x18" paper. The legs of the "A-frame" fold together for storage. Built of wood. AMERICAN WOODWORKER Nov-Dec 1989 (v.5#6) pg. 30
Small wooden display stand (easel) for a plate, photograph, etc. features a wooden hinge, sliding feet, and an adjustable width. AMERICAN WOODWORKER #45 Jun 1995 pg. 56
Tips on working outdoors on large canvas. (1) An enclosed rack on a pickup truck for transporting the canvas. (2) A cable system to steady an aluminum easel. (3) General information on paints, brushes and other supplies. ARTIST'S MAGAZINE Jul 1989 (v.6#7) pg. 67
Tip describes how a camera tripod can be attached to the bottom of a paintbox easel. ARTIST'S MAGAZINE Oct 1993 (v.10#10) pg. 5A
Lap-supported "body easel". ARTIST'S MAGAZINE Oct 1993 (v.10#10) pg. 11A
How to create a portable, easily adjustable watercolor easel by mounting a wooden plank to a camera tripod with a quick-release mount. Foamcore or plywood work surface that clips to the plank completes the setup. ARTIST'S MAGAZINE Jan 1995 (v.12#1) pg. 2A
Tip shows how to transform a step ladder into an extra-large easel. ARTIST'S MAGAZINE Apr 1995 (v.12#4) pg. 4A
Tip shows how to make a wooden tripod easel more stable with a simple wire brace. ARTIST'S MAGAZINE Jun 1995 (v.12#6) pg. 2A
Tray to mount on an easel to catch pastel dust is made from aluminum flashing. ARTIST'S MAGAZINE Jul 1995 (v.12#7) pg. 8A
Tip shows how to make an inexpensive portable tabletop easel. ARTIST'S MAGAZINE Oct 1996 (v.13#10) pg. 44
Tip shows how to use a six-foot stepladder as a temporary easel. ARTIST'S MAGAZINE Aug 1997 (v.14#8) pg. 25
Display stand (easel) is made from a wire hanger and is suitable for supporting small paintings or photos. ARTIST'S MAGAZINE Mar 1998 (v.15#3) pg. 28
Tip shows how to support a round canvas on an easel. ARTIST'S MAGAZINE Apr 1998 (v.15#4) pg. 63
Tip shows a wall-mounted system for supporting paintings too large for an easel. ARTIST'S MAGAZINE Aug 1998 (v.15#8) pg. 63
How to make a fold-up palette from foamboard to replace the wooden palette in a Julian half-box portable easel. ARTIST'S MAGAZINE Sep 1998 (v.15#9) pg. 77
How to make "shoes" for the ends of an easel's legs so they don't slide or leave scratches. ARTIST'S MAGAZINE Feb 1999 (v.16#2) pg. 44
How to make a folding easel for kids. Unit is 24" wide, 48" high and has a blackboard on one side and clips for holding paper on the other. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Jun 1977 (v.55#6) pg. 38
Tip: Turn a wooden stepladder into an easel for holding screens or windows while painting them. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Jul 1980 (v.58#7) pg. 38
Large frame holds a roll of paper for painting and drawing. Estimated cost: $57. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Jul 1980 (v.58#7) pg. 97, 126
Child's easel and desk combination. The lift top of the desk converts into an easel. Built from pine and plywood. Dimensions: 26"x30"20". Est. cost: $28. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Jul 1982 (v.60#7) pg. 37, 54
Childs drawing easel in the shape of an apple. Est. cost: $19. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Feb 1983 (v.61#2) pg. 33
Victorian-style easel for displaying a picture is made from garden rake handles, doweling and wooden macrame balls. Est. cost: $29. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Jul 1987 (v.65#7) pg. 66, 105
Child's art easel and storage cabinet for art supplies all in one. Est. cost: $44. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Feb 1988 (v.66#2) pg. 86
Picture perfect. Rolling artist's easel is designed to hold both small and large canvases, is easily adjustable for both height and tilt, and folds for transport. CANADIAN HOME WORKSHOP Feb 2001 (v.24#4) pg. 26
Added Info CANADIAN HOME WORKSHOP Jun 2001 (v.24#8) pg. 6 (Modification advice from an artist)
Adjustable oak easel for holding an artists canvas. Will hold a canvas up to 52" tall. Est. cost: $28 CANADIAN WORKSHOP May 1981 (v.4#8) pg. 57
Three-legged artist's easel uses rope to attach the legs together. CANADIAN WORKSHOP May 1983 (v.6#8) pg. 8
Child-sized easel has a chalkboard on one side and a bulletin board and/or painting area on the other side. Large trays on each side hold drawing supplies. CANADIAN WORKSHOP Sep 1984 (v.7#12) pg. 11, 25
Child-sized easel grows taller along with the child. An 18"x24" bulletin board and chalkboard are combined with adjustable legs. CANADIAN WORKSHOP Jan 1995 (v.18#4) pg. 44
Portable painter's easel sits on a sturdy base that includes a built-in storage box. Constructed mostly from wood. CANADIAN WORKSHOP Feb 1997 (v.20#5) pg. 52
Sturdy double easel for children. FAMILY CIRCLE Oct 23 1978 (v.91#12) pg. 127, 206
Artists adjustable easel includes a shelf for paints and a pallete holder. Est. cost: $25-$50. FAMILY HANDYMAN #233 Nov 1982 (v.32#9) pg. 63
Child's two-sided easel uses "Velcro" to adjust the drawing surface up and down. Trays at the bottom hold chalk, paint, etc. FAMILY HANDYMAN #302 Oct 1989 (v.39#9) pg. 66
Correction FAMILY HANDYMAN #305 Feb 1990 (v.40#2) pg. 7
An easel for two. The four legs are made from square molding stock. Two hardboard backboards can be clamped to easel frame at any height. Boards have accessory trays across the bottom. HANDY ANDY Dec 1979 (v.4#3) pg. 44
Two-sided fold-up easel for children. HOME CRAFTSMAN Nov-Dec 1964 (v.33#6) pg. 21
Child's easel, built from pine and 1/4" plywood, can be adjusted to any height from 18" to 27". Hinged rear leg can be folded flat for storage. HOME MECHANIX #682 Feb 1985 (v.81) pg. 63
Display stand (small easel) is made from scrap carving leather. LEATHER CRAFTERS JOURNAL Jul-Aug 1993 (v.3#4) pg. 28
Camera tripod doubles as an easel. POPULAR MECHANICS May 1963 (v.119#5) pg. 175
Oil painter's easel. The finest design with a solid mahogany frame, gear driven elevating mechanism and built-in casters. Adjustable front-to-back tilt. Est. cost: $30. POPULAR MECHANICS Jul 1966 (v.126#1) pg. 130
Easel lets you wet-mount paper for water colors. Clamps on four sides hold wet paper securely so that it drys without wrinkles. POPULAR MECHANICS Nov 1967 (v.128#5) pg. 192
Miniature easels for displaying nameplates and postcard-size paintings. Built from wood molding and wire. POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1972 (v.137#2) pg. 127
Sketching bench has retractable easel. Called an artist's sketch donkey, half of the bench top opens up to become an easel, while the artist straddles the other half. POPULAR MECHANICS Dec 1974 (v.142#6) pg. 162
Tip: Convert your stepladder into a painting easel with this L-bracket and two C-clamps. POPULAR MECHANICS Jul 1987 (v.164#7) pg. 62
Knee easel has clips on four corners to hold paper securely. POPULAR SCIENCE Dec 1971 (v.199#6) pg. 85
Convert a stepladder into a very stable artist's easel by putting adjustable bookshelf standards on the legs and then using the adjustable brackets to hold the painting. Also useful for holding storm windows for washing or painting. POPULAR SCIENCE Oct 1975 (v.207#4) pg. 168
Dual-movement drawing easel adjusts to any potition. Easel will accommodate an 18"x24" drawing board, or modify to accept any desired size. Frame can also be used as a slide sorter by replacing the drawing board with a piece of translucent plastic. POPULAR SCIENCE Mar 1978 (v.212#3) pg. 126
Versatile drawing bench for a child is made from 1/2-sheet of plywood. Winning design in the 10th annual Popular Science/American Plywood Assn. contest. POPULAR SCIENCE Aug 1986 (v.229#2) pg. 88
Kid's easel. Hinged legs support two panels (22"x24"), one of plastic laminate and the other a chalkboard. The laminate side has a tray to hold paint jars. The chalkboard has a chalk tray across its bottom. POPULAR WOODWORKING #88 Jan 1996 (v.15#4) pg. 58
Two easy-to-make, easy-to-store easels for young artists. SUNSET Dec 1983 (v.171#6) pg. 114
Fence-mounted outdoor easel is ideal for children using poster paint. SUNSET Apr 1990 (v.184#4) pg. 125
Wall-mounted child's desk and easel (21" high, 30" wide, 8" deep). Front folds down to make a writing surface, revealing three shelves inside. When front is closed it becomes a drawing surface (easel) with a tray for crayons and pencils across the bottom. SUNSET Sep 1994 (v.193#3) pg. 102
Adjustable tabletop easel is used to display small pictures. WOOD MAGAZINE #32 Dec 1989 (v.6#6) pg. 86
Correction WOOD MAGAZINE #34 Apr 1990 (v.7#2) pg. 14
Added Info WOOD MAGAZINE #36 Aug 1990 (v.7#4) pg. 11
Added Info WOOD MAGAZINE #38 Oct 1990 (v.7#6) pg. 11
Young-artist's activity center. A drawing board with built-in bench is a modern adaptation of the old time school desk. WOOD MAGAZINE #83 Nov 1995 (v.12#8) pg. 70, Insert
Kid's easel/desk. A free-standing, knock-down art center for a child features a Formica-covered drop front, cork bulletin board, and two removable storage drawers. Overall dimensions: 34"Wx48"Hx30"D (with drop front open). Could be re-sized for adult use and/or wall mounted. WOODSMITH #41 Sep-Oct 1985 pg. 4
Display easel for artwork is built from dowels and 1" stock and folds for storage. WOODSMITH #60 Dec 1988 pg. 8
Build a large, adjustable artist's easel that folds nearly flat for storage and transportation. Built mostly of wood. Rolls on casters. WOODWORK #27 Jun 1994 pg. 46
An adjustable table easel made entirely from wood. WOODWORKER #1022 Jan 1979 (v.83) pg. 24 (+2)
A-frame easel for a child. One side has a blackboard and the other is set up for painting with watercolors. WOODWORKER #1057 Dec 1981 (v.85) pg. 848
Three legs and a paintbox. Artist's paintbox features a top which becomes an adjustable easel and three removable, adjustable legs. The box is built from wood and uses dovetails at the corners. The easel can handle canvas or board up to 30"x24". WOODWORKER #1107 Feb 1986 (v.90#2) pg. 129
Four legs and an easel. Construction details for an artist's donkey. A large bench with folding legs and built-in easel features a concealed storage compartment for paints. WOODWORKER #1107 Feb 1986 (v.90#2) pg. 131
Artist's donkey combines a bench, easel and storage box into one unit. WOODWORKER Dec 1989 (v.93#12) pg. 1168
Table-top easel for an artist adjusts for both canvas size and tilt back. WOODWORKER Nov 1992 (v.96#11) pg. 28
Artist's easel. Adjustable unit holds large or small canvas and folds for storage or carrying. WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Jan-Feb 1982 (v.6#1) pg. 22
Double-sided easel for children features a built-in dispenser holding rolls of drawing paper. WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Jan-Feb 1995 (v.19#1) pg. 36
A professional, adjustable-height artist's easel that folds to 5" thick. WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Sep-Oct 1997 (v.21#5) pg. 60
Child's easel folds flat for storage and adjusts for use. Perforated hardboard and pine lumber construction. An inexpensive unit. WORKBENCH Mar-Apr 1966 (v.22#2) pg. 40
Tabletop easels. Three designs for 13" high units. WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1970 (v.26#6) pg. 14
Lightweight artist's easel folds flat for compact storage. Unit is 73" tall, 23" wide and has a paint box attached. WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1972 (v.28#5) pg. 46
Lap desk doubles as a portable artist's easel. Simple lap desk has a slanted top and partitioned interior compartment for storing supplies. Can be carried like a briefcase. Desk is 18"x20"x4" deep. Pencil grooves are routed in the stationary portion of the back. Top can be braced open to serve as an easel. WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1973 (v.29#5) pg. 65
How to build a simple utility bench and a detachable easel for holding a sketch pad or canvas. WORKBENCH May-Jun 1974 (v.30#3) pg. 40
How to build a two-sided easel for children. A lift-out tray has four compartments for holding supplies. The reversible drawing surface is white Marlite hardboard on one side and blackboard paint on the other. The easel frame is collapsible. WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1977 (v.33#6) pg. 124
Folding decorative easels are ideal for displaying china plates or miniature paintings. WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1985 (v.41#6) pg. 8
Colorful traveling case lets children tote their favorite books and supplies in their own artist's kit. Wooden case features a removable top which doubles as an easel. WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1989 (v.45#6) pg. 30
Correction WORKBENCH Mar-Apr 1990 (v.46#2) pg. 5
Portable, folding, tabletop easel for an artist accommodates canvases up to 22" high. WORKBENCH Jun-Jul 1991 (v.47#3) pg. 42
Correction WORKBENCH Oct-Nov 1991 (v.47#5) pg. 6